📯 Multi Language, Custom Conversions, Columns Settings

Custom Conversions

With Custom Conversions it is possible to collect the data on any type of conversion along with its revenue and pass it further to the traffic source side.
Upsells, downloads and other post-install events are tracked easily with BeMob so you can see the complete picture on how the traffic converts. 

👀 Read more in our dedicated guide.

custom conversions bemob

Columns Settings

We have optimized the Columns Settings to assure the most convenient work with the reports.
If it is required to organize the different columns set on each tab make sure that Independent Columns Settings option is marked in Settings.

independent columns settings


English, Russian, Chinese and Spanish languages are now available for the web site, panel, blog and support.
We speak your language and always ready to assist. To contact our suppport team it is required to open the live chat window inside the BeMob panel or on the web site.